relative safety

美 [ˈrelətɪv ˈseɪfti]英 [ˈrelətɪv ˈseɪfti]
  • 相对安全
relative safetyrelative safety
  1. Pedestrian zones mean that children can play in relative safety .


  2. Investors scrambled for the relative safety of the US dollar .


  3. Its security system has multiple levels ; each level has a relative safety control measures .


  4. New high-efficiency condenser / evaporators and relative safety analysis


  5. The benefit and relative safety of each arm will be presented at an upcoming medical meeting .


  6. There is no absolute safety on the Internet , but relative safety can be obtained by virtue of safety technology .


  7. However , the CDs world is not the only place where the relative safety of companies and governments is changing .


  8. Conclusion In the area we 've tested , ramosetron hydrochloride injection is a drug of relative safety .


  9. But over the next months , the reality of life outside the relative safety of the factories sank in .


  10. female chiru can head to the birthing grounds in relative safety .


  11. Criminal law protection as the most severe and most direct means of support for intellectual property from the relative safety of the barrier .


  12. Shapeshifters are cautious whenever they leave the relative safety of the wilderness .


  13. Low dose of As 2O 3 is proved to be effective with relative safety , it also has potential value in treating asthma .


  14. One reason investors are willing to tolerate such yields is the relative safety of the bonds , in a weak economy .


  15. This article provides some theoretical basis for the safety production in coal mine , it has a certain significance to ensure the relative safety of coal mine .


  16. However , international energy safety is neither absolutely safe , nor a single safety problem of certain country , but a problem of relative safety and common safety .


  17. They are leaving the relative safety of camps near Goma and going home to what is now rebel-held territory .


  18. The general flight away from risky assets also hurt US stocks , but bonds rallied as investors put money into the relative safety of government debt .


  19. This move would bring them into the tax net and permit sufficient regulation to ensure the relative safety of addicts , prostitutes and other potential casualties .


  20. Not as well-kept a secret as in years past , Granada is becoming a more popular destination for tourists due to its history and relative safety .


  21. A truck driver in his fifties , he fled with his family from Misrata in April for the relative safety of Benghazi .


  22. Later we went to the relative safety of the spacious , sunny square of the school started to discuss the issue of the earthquake , the phone completely unreasonable .


  23. After years of relative safety in obscurity , the Apple Mac is becoming an increasingly tempting target for malicious computer hackers , according to a new report published this week .


  24. Small and mid-caps have been the biggest losers in the recent downturn , as investors have sought the relative safety of large caps amid the turmoil .


  25. In contrast , the dollar has lost ground when stocks and investor confidence have risen as investors abandon the relative safety of the US currency in search of higher returns elsewhere .


  26. Conclusion The oral dose of warfarin was regulated with individuate to keep INR at 1.8 to 2.6 , which was relative safety and provided satisfactory results of anticoagulation therapy .


  27. But despite the relative safety of his congregation and success of these educational youth programs , Father Douglas fears that the future of Christians in Iraq has come to an end .


  28. Investors are buying record amounts of gold bars and coins , shunning risky assets for the relative safety of bullion amid renewed fears about the health of the global financial system .


  29. The Hong Kong dollar attracted robust demand for much of the last year as investors unwound trades in other currencies funded by Hong Kong dollars and sought the local currency 's relative safety .


  30. So , it 's likely that Cheryl was in a position of relative safety and Rosie might have been in a more perilous position had she been left on the boat .
